Scrambled eggs with avocado, polenta, cheese crackers

So now you see why I needed cheese crackers.

To make a stegosaurus.

What is it with boys and dinosaurs anyway?

It's a thing. Il est le petit garçon en lui, n'est-ce pas? Il aime jouer à un jeu de dinosaures.

These scrambled eggs will have avocado folded in at the end. Seasoned avocado.

I do not have any sour cream, any crème fraîche, any buttermilk, nor Mexican crema. But I do have yogurt, and I do have heavy cream.

Heavy cream is soured with lemon and my own mustard and seasoned with the same spice mixture that seasoned the cheese crackers. The citric acid thickens the cream more than it already is. Within a few minutes the cream becomes the consistency of familiar sour cream.

The sour cream does two things.

* It flavors the scrambled eggs as if they were a sauce. It is the same thing going on except a little farther than a sauce goes.

* Slams the brakes on the cooking action and reverses slightly the process of thickening the eggs. That is, the eggs are actually stiffened ever so slightly beyond the desired thickness and whisked back to sauce consistency with  the addition of sour cream.

It is important to have the emergency brakes ready at hand when the moment comes to halt the cooking action.

That is all there is to say except will you please stop playing with your food?

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