
Chocolate egg

And now for a moment of regression to childhood. Cracker Jacks are no fun anymore their prizes are poo.

We are relaxed. Our bodies are feeling unusually light. We feel as if we might float off. We are sailing away. We are transported.

We are back. The toy worked. That was a good one too, this time. So how was that? Is it what we remember?

Fun, yeah, we must grow up again to real chocolate. 


  1. I don't have Chocolate Eye Candy

    So when there is a knock at the door, I either hide hoping they leave me alone or perform something terrible.

  2. But where did you get it?

    My husband insisted that they banned Kinder Eier in the US because der kinder vill chockendie ont ze toy.

    (Or something not at all like that.)

  3. Internet. Nefarious doings. Your husband is right. That is why I did not call them inderkay urprisesay because epartmentday of omelandhay ecuritysay comes snooping around when I do.

    It happened before. And that time the toy wasn't even fun. I hate that.


Something serious happened and everything is different now.