Enhanced salad from Pizza N Grill, Denver

This broccoli is older than it looks in this photograph. A small portion is cut out from the center and microwaved for three minute in 1/4 cup water.

This avocado looks better than it is in real life. The whole thing was tossed out. It is said that money does not grow on trees but avocado trees say, "What?" 

Avocados say, "I am a U.S. dollar straight up and I grow on a tree." 

This is the Pizza N Grill salad.

These two things are my enhancements. 

Here's the whole dealio.


I must say that for some very strange reason each bite that I had from this salad convinced me I was eating the best salad in the world. No wait. The best salad in the solar system. 

No. wait, wait, wait, the best salad in the Milky Way galaxy. Each bite said that. Each time iceberg lettuce was smashed by my teeth inside my mouth this thought about eating the best salad in existence came with the explosive bright clean flavors. I wanted to keep going. The salad is way too small. Imagine how great it would be with excellent ingredients. 

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