Pepperoni pizza

With mushrooms, 2 types, olives and tinned jalapeño. The pepperoni is cut distressingly thin so the slices rolled up into little tubes.

The bread is made with semolina and bread flour and it has olive oil in it. That produces a cracker-like crust.

You know, I've never managed to make the same pizza twice. I'm not sure I'm capable.

The fresh jalapeños are not hot so tinned jalapeños are taking their place. Nearly this entire tin was used and that made just the right amount of capsaicin heat. All the flavors come through nicely, two separate cheeses are both tasted, both mushroom types are tasted separately, the salty olives punch through, the sweet onion is actually tasted. The pepperoni is tasted as separate entity, whereas they would not were they kept as thin slices. The oil they released is absorbed by the mushrooms by different degrees, so each separate mushroom tasted slightly different from the others by the amount of oil the slice absorbed. I like this pizza a lot. It's actually better than any pizza that I've ever bought even though I learned by copying them.

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