Ling Ling chicken potstickers

The bag is large and it holds a million of these dumplings. I thought they would be terrible but they're actually kind of nice.

I thought the insides would be mostly cabbage with scant pork but it turns out they're like tight little chicken meatballs. I ate eight of them and I feel like I can eat eight more of them without any problem.

They were lined up in a small pan frozen with one cup of water and covered. They cooked until the water ran out then they stuck to the non-stick pan and turned color. More water was added to unstick them and that fried off too. They lifted out easily. Fried on one side.

Get ready to write down this recipe for sauce. 


Potsticker Sauce: 

* 3 tablespoons soy sauce
* 1/8 teaspoon toasted sesame seed oil
* chile flakes. 

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