lychee in lemon JELL-O fail

Tinned lychee. I had this tin in the pantry for a long time. I was interested to know what lychee is. They look nice.

Red Cock on the Mountain. Brand. 

The lid to the tin is nice too. 

So that is what they are. I tasted one. It was okay. The syrup could not be used. 

It is altogether quite ugly. Looks like mushrooms are in it. 

This is what the thing that I ate looks like. All the rest of the whipped cream.

The balsamic was impulse. I was going for the vanilla extract to whip into the cream when I noticed the balsamic. I almost substituted to see what the acid would do to the the cream once it is whipped but then decided not to test that.

I feel a little bit ill.    

Conclusion: I don't like it at all. Plain lemon JELL-O would be better. But I am not going to let this one tin and lemon JELL-O experience ruin lychees for me. They are very popular so I will keep an eye out for them in a different form and try again.


Jim said...

According to Wiki Lychee loose their flavour when canned and are best eaten fresh.

These are grown for ornament around here (SF Bay) and I recently walked by a gardener pruning a bunch. The air was thick with the aroma of cilantro. I took a taste and mix of sweet and cilantro was exquisite.

Synova said...

I agree those lychees looked sort of nasty. I've had fresh ones when we were in the PI. I don't buy them here, canned or not, but I do get all sorts of stuff that is lychee flavored... drinks and jellies and stuff.

Rob said...

Lychees are great, though the tinned ones tend to taste a little . . . well, tinny. Their resemblance to eyeballs ought to inspire a burst of creativity in you. Given the brand name, it occurs that they also resemble something else anatomical. Perhaps they'd be better paired with a banana than with Jell-O.

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