Two eggs, hashed brown potatoes

Microwave the potato first. Then grate it or chop it. Then fry it, for twice-cooked that results in extra crispy potato with soft centers.

Half an onion is a nice addition

Roughly chopped for that rustic look and in accordance with how the potato is going to end up.

Garlic powder can be added at any time, even when it's totally finished. I avoided fresh garlic because I didn't want it to burn in the pan before everything finishes, which it has a tendency to do.

Some kind of herb, any kind of herb, just something. My fave ↓.

Tear it up, still being rustic. Some say cutting basil makes it turn black but that hasn't been my experience.

Butter and olive oil heating in a pan because that's what I like. You can use any oil you like, they all work.

In potato frying language, this is called the dehydration stage.

Homemade bread with oatmeal.

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