Roasted chicken soup

Soup with stuff piled up out of the bowl with a little broth on the bottom.

Free-range chickens picked up at Whole Foods. They  looked kind of scrawny so I got two.  Brined for a few hours, didn't make a noticeable difference. Roasted in oven bags. The dark meat was perfect, the white meat was over cooked, which was fine with me. Picked the carcasses and froze the bits separately so they didn't form one huge frozen chicken clump, then put in freezer bags.

Broke the large bones with pliers to expose the marrow. Cooked out every last molecule of chickeny goodness in a pressure cooker for an hour and a half in two quarts of water. No vegetables, no herbs, no salt, no pepper, no nuthin'. Strained and chilled the broth. Removed the layer of fat. Chicken gelatin, aspic,  remained.  

*  chicken broth + water
*  two small waxy potatoes
*  handful of chicken bits
*  onion
*  crushed and diced garlic
*  few tablespoons of pre-cooked brown rice
*  1 tablespoon miso
*  Aerogarden-grown basil, window-grown sage, store-bought cilantro, in quantity added as a veritable salad to the liquid at the end.
*  sour cream on a whim. 
*  sea salt to finish

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