Omelet, beans rice

Omelette, which is French for omelet. They like extra letters over there in France because extra letters are fancy.

The thin edge gives no hint to the lofty volume of this egg.  The pan is tilted as the egg cooks, the curd pushed toward the center, so in the final seconds off the heat it is the final bit of uncooked egg that remains liquid which is tilted toward the edges of the pan. The thin edges become the flaps, as it were, for the omelet if it is to be folded and rolled out of the pan.

How 'bout a little food pron, yo?

Oooo, la la. Hey, that omelette is dressed!

Maytag blue cheese bits. That stuff is so good. It would be great in a dressing. That's what I'm going to do -- amaze my friends with an awesome blue cheese dressing, not half awesome, but totally awesome.

The filling is some kind of rice/bean mixture made earlier of which there are three containers frozen. Probably with lamb. Maybe pork.

Frankly, the chile filling could be hotter, and that's easy enough to fix. It could also use more tomato and more cumin. It could use some jazzing up.

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