Hotdog buns

It looks like my hotdog barfed its guts out.

All-beef hotdogs in natural casings, for crunch. Stated flatly, these buns are a whole 'nuther ballgame. <--- See what I did there?  Say 'no' to foam-bread hotdog buns -- Ah  pity da foo who eats foam-bread buns.

Sam's club sells yeast by the pound. So does Amazon. Two individual one-pound packages per unit, and it's still a lot cheaper than a jar from the grocery. It's enough to last the US Army for  a decade. [Actually, as yeast begets yeast, it is possible for bakeries to keep it going indefinitely, started from a fraction of a teaspoon. It is what the manufacturers do, after all, but that's another story.] I give away one of the pounds and keep the other in the freezer.  My chief interest is sourdough starter anyway. There is no need to proof it per instructions. It will always reliably explode into action. But sometimes I proof it anyway because it's fun to watch.  

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