Poached egg, seared bell pepper

The bed for the poached eggs is some kind of rice and bean with pork mixture that amounts to a form of chili. It's a little bit hot and it's very good. It was made previously and I'm glad there is still some left. 

Orange bell pepper that came in a package of three colors. I like those. They're purdy. Mushrooms with a nick off an onion. All seared together as a stir-fry in olive oil,  the capsicum first. Simple. 

Eggs warmed in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes, poached in a small shallow pan three quarters filled with acidulated brine. The egg retains a trace of the salt and the vinegar, and that's just fine with me. 

Seasoned hotdog bun from yesterday repurposed for toast. Oiled with the same seasoned oil that prepared the buns for baking yesterday, then fried in a pan while pressed with the weight of a small empty pot. 

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