fruit and cream

The governmental official with the electronic voice and sounding very much like a robot seized control of televised communications and interfered with programming across channels with the most obnoxious buzzer imaginable, the sound early modems made, and repeated with nothing than that. Then delivered a warning for two adjacent counties.

Tornado warning.

Then off finally with the same obnoxious buzzer.

Then again with the incredibly annoying obnoxious buzzer sound repeated. 

Severe thunderstorm warning.

Then off again finallywith the same obnoxious buzzer.

Then again with the incredibly annoying obnoxious buzzer sound repeated. 

Extreme hail warning.

Then off again finally with the same obnoxious buzzer.

Then again with the incredibly annoying obnoxious buzzer sound repeated. 

High wind warning.

Then off again finally with the same obnoxious buzzer.

Then again with the incredibly annoying obnoxious buzzer sound repeated. 

Flash flood warning.

Then off again finally with the same obnoxious buzzer.


He's really starting to piss me off. 

There will be no television today.

I can see for myself there is weather. We all can. 

If by now we cannot see weather for ourselves when it builds up and smacks us right in the face, and gorgeously as shown by this photo, then what good is weather bureaucrat breaking though our tvs going to do? 

I mentioned to a friend how seriously annoying this is, how intrusive, how one-size-fits-all, how buttinsky it is, how utterly useless and how obnoxious  it is, but my friend is all for it. He just l-o-o-o-v-e-s him government intrusion. He cheers it. In his world this is what government is for. To lead you by the hand through the weather. He imagines the population quite dull. So we can put our automobiles in the garage so they don't get hailed on or stay off the roads so we don't get stuck in water, or bring our dogs inside so they don't suffer high wind. So we know where to hide if a tornado should strike, reschedule our hang gliding lessons. 

They do this every time it rains. 

And having everyone no matter how remote their own county be inconvenienced, be intruded upon, be assaulted with the amazingly obnoxious buzzer is small price to pay for good government. Being reminded your government can do whatever it darn well likes, and your tv and your tv service really belongs to them. That's what my friend likes. 

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