Homemade yogurt

1/2 gallon milk is heated to 180℉ to sterilize it. Then cooled down to 110℉ to add the live culture.

Dry milk powder was added for stiffer result. Nothing was actually measured. I guessed at 1/2 gallon of milk, and I used all the remaining remnant milk powder, I'd say, 1/4 cup total.

The culture I used was from peach flavored Activa probiotic yogurt with live culture. It had tiny pieces of peach in it. 

The whole pot was placed in a cooler along with a gallon of hot tap water (140℉) in a separate container. By morning both had all cooled down. 

It worked. This is a thick solid mass. 

Flavored with fresh lime juice. It's very good. 

Women are amazing. 

I was fairly exhausted when I bought the milk. The full fat milk that I wanted was on the bottom shelf  that looked empty. But there were several gallons pushed to the back. I'd have to kneel way down low to get them. And that's my worst physical thing besides walking backwards. Squats. I cannot do low squats. My legs do not work in that range. A halfway down squat I can do, but a full squat is impossible. I struggled to get back up. I use my arms to pull myself up. Leaning against the cooler, it was a real fight. But it was working. I could do it but at tremendous difficulty. Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and pulled me upward. Boom. I was standing. 

I turned to regard the person who grabbed my arm with both hands. I thought the person was a short heavy man, but upon closer inspection she was a woman bundled up for cold weather. A black woman who looked somewhat like a man. Behind me, she saw me struggling to stand up and moved in to help. She just took over. With no discussion, no asking permission. She just did it.

Then, moments later I was looking for a yogurt with live culture. If the company pasteurizes then it won't work. The culture must be live. Problem was I left my glasses in the car and couldn't read the tiny labels.  I asked a woman if she knew which ones had live culture. She dropped what she was doing to look for one. Then another woman saw this and she came along to join the search and found the Activa. 

So right there in the span of a few minutes three women were engaged helping me complete my shopping. And two of them moved in to do it. And that made me think, man, these women around here are amazing.

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