Chicken, chickpeas, miso

From the Random Recipe Generator™, Middle East meets Far East meets me.

Chicken bits with chickpeas, brown rice and mild white miso, home-made tahini made from unhusked sesame seeds.

Did I say Random Recipe Generator™? I'm sorry, I meant to say from my own impulse.

* chicken bits frozen from chickens roasted for broth.

* chickpeas (garbanzo beans) that were soaked and pressure cooked for 1 minute on extreme then allowed to cooled down the slow way, tossed with tahini and olive oil, garlic, and lime, amounting to a brutally unrefined hummus. Mmmmm, brutal.

* miso because I just can't get enough of that stuff, and because I'm growing quite fond of blending them.

* garden tomato, alas, the last of it.

* onion because it was there.

* cilantro and basil just for the hell of it.

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