Steak and potato

The steak is seared in a heavy pan on high heat. The potato is small and microwaved for five minutes. Served with butter and grated Mexican cheese. The sugar peas and mushrooms are sauteed in butter on medium heat, doused with balsamic vinegar to steam, the regular kind of balsamic vinegar not the aged kind. That's it. 

Did I ever mention that for a long while I dated a woman whose favorite meal was this ↑, a steak with a baked potato? I made this so many times I could do it blindfolded. She is a rather persnickety choosey and delicate eater, but Boy, could she put away a steak. Her single preference for potato was baked as pictured above. Baked as simply as possible, plain with no enhancement.

One night I suggested I would grill a steak and cook a couple of potatoes. What kind of potato should I make, I pondered exaggerating pensive thought. Maybe I should make French fries, I pretended to visualize, or maybe potato chips would be nice. I changed poses and thought a different picture, maybe I would make escalloped potatoes with a cheese sauce or possibly hashed browns with onions. Doesn't potato cakes sound great? I know, potato soup, vichyssoise. Maybe I'll tempura potato wedges. Mashed potatoes! No wait! A warm potato salad. She could see I was avoiding her preference, the one obvious thing, and for some reason she didn't find that as hilarious as I did. We didn't last. 


Yvonne said...

I think you could become as big as "Pioneer Woman," if only your website would get noticed. How did she become big?

I love watching Chopped. You should try to get on Chopped. They need an amateur hour, or at least a show by people who are not working as chefs, but know a lot and are great cooks.

Chip Ahoy said...

Thank you, Yvonne. I think Pioneer Woman, like al Dente, was linked by Instapundit which drove traffic, and who probably has noticed my site but like yourself objects to the bad language seen here and so for goodness sake chooses not to link it. It's just a guess.

Believe me, I'd be a disaster on Chopped. I doubt I could suppress the disrespect I hold for judges and for judging in general.

All of that is fine with me. The blog was originally for myself, my family, and my friends, anyway. There is only one other blog where I've dropped links and that was to converse and to show and to share, not to promote. There are no ads here. So far it's a vanity thing and a learning endeavor.

Sultry said...

I say, {even though I wasn't asked} "Vain On" Mr. Rogue Agent.

Sultry said...
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