Raspberries and omelet; mushroom and Romaine lettuce

Half the carton of mushrooms is used.

I want the crunch of the lettuce.

Yo, Micky dis so fine, dis so fine it blows my mind. Yo Mickey. 

Mushrooms are seared briefly in butter with thyme.

Removed from pan.

Fresh butter into the pan.

Three eggs scrambled with a fork poured into the pan.

The edges of set egg pulled toward the center to build up egg curd.

All around the edges.

Again and again. Until all the egg is nearly set.

Lettuce spread lightly across the surface of the egg.

Mushrooms set along 1/2 the top of the egg.

Rolled out onto a plate. 

Remaining lettuce and mushrooms top the rolled omelet. 

Plate finished with raspberries. 



There. Now you too can be expert at producing ace omelets the likes of which you do not see out among the world at large no matter where you travel. 

Go forth and spread your new ways, placidly amid the haste and noise and remember what peace there may be in spreading your newfound wisdom. For you are a child of the universe no less than the trees and stars and the squirrels in the trees and the planets around the stars and you have a right to be here, probably more right then the squirrels who are very much like rats except with fluffier tails. 

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