Commercial potstickers

The massive package comes with a few packages of soy-based sauce inside. How thoughtful.

All you do is fry them. 

Then cover and douse with a few tablespoons of water. Steams up the whole thing under there. And steam is hotter than boiling water. 

Then lift the lid and keep frying until they are a little bit burnt.

You might be thinking, eh, so what. It's not that great of a difference.

But it is though, it is that great of a difference. Because in that little world under the lid that fits a different pot is the utterly fantastic occurrence of water changing forms by heat to conduct this frozen meal to toasted wet goodness. Faster, more hotly by increased heat of steam. By heat water changes from liquid to gas form that is significantly hotter than water at boiling to melt the solid water inside the potstickers to tenderness then fry them when the water is gone. 

        Gone where?

Gone. Into the atmosphere. Into the air immediately around you.  Into the air that you breathe. Its aerosol atomized vaporized whatever fried potsticker water is coating your lungs. 

        Oh man I am breathing these molecules. 

I know!

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