Breakfast burrito

The gravest hunger developed and there being so few immediate food items around to shove into my pie hole I did what any red-blooded American boy would do.

I made a burrito.

Did I say red-blooded American boy? Well yes, there's more than one America.

Have you ever seen the maps with South America on the top? Or an inverted globe? It's a matter of perspective, there is no real 'up' in the universe and the whole North Pole on top is muy nortecentrada.  


West Town said...

Did you just use a cheese grater for the potatoes?

I can see that you don't like the skin.

Chip Ahoy said...

Box grater. I do like the skin but this potato was ugly with black gunk on it. The cuisinart was sitting right there but the bowl was in the dishwasher. That makes better grates for this sort of thing.

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