Poisson à la meunière

That's French-talk for 'fish in the style of the miller's wife," and here's why ↓. Presumably a miller's wife will always have flour on hand. 

Peppercorn and coriander seed were pulverized in the coffee grinder. Oh, did I mention I got a new coffee grinder? It hasn't arrived yet so I used the old one which I fixed but I do not feel good about it. Here's how the popcorn tore up the third old coffee mill. 

Another coffee mill bites the dust. Literally.

Not much to say about the fish. I don't even know what kind it is. I failed to mark the Food-Saver packaging which means I probably never knew in the first place. It is some kind of white fish, it is flaky and good. No notable flavor of its own to speak of, a bland blank canvas upon which other flavors are painted in accordance to one's present mood and own's own selected flavor-palette. 


Bell pepper seared in a large pan. Removed to a plate. Fish dusted with seasoned flower. Fried in the same pan. Removed to the same plate on top of the charred bell pepper. Onion and garlic sweated in the same pan with butter and olive oil,  doused and deglazed with sake, drizzled with lemon, chopped tomato and blueberries tossed in. Removed from the heat before any of that could thoroughly cook. 

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