honey ham and jalapeño pizza

With mozzarella and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, red bell pepper and white onion, mushrooms, olive and shaved garlic. Then, cilantro and basil.

3/4 cup hot water
1 teaspoon dry yeast
1 teaspoon sugar
2 rounded tablespoons semolina flour
5 rounded tablespoons all purpose flour
1 tablespoon oil

The white flour added in increments until a stiff texture is reached with no sticking to the hands. It's mixed with a dinner knife until it can be picked up and stretched, like a pizza then into a snake then into a ball, pizza, snake, ball, pizza, snake ball, and so on until it stretches nicely and becomes soft.

A disc of dough is rolled with a rolling pin in cornmeal top and bottom.

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