Burger with Dijon wadjet
Shrimp and grits
So you can see for yourself what a dietary disaster this is; corn, chicken schmaltz, butter, cream, and tortilla, but hey, if you're going to go wandering off the plantation you might as well go for it.
I can't wait for my stomach to stop swelling so I can have MOAR!
Sourdough, NorthWest
I erred. Presently I have only two ceramic cloches so the three loaves took two baking sessions. Phone call and disconnects at the critical moment caused me to lose focus and turn off the oven along with the timer which signals persistently and irritatingly enough to demand immediate attention . The oven was on as high as it can go. Didn't notice the oven was off until the third loaf was ready for the lid to be removed. I thought in that moment, "Bollox! This one is ruined." The whole key to success is a wet dough directly into a rocket-hot cloche. The powerful heat inside the closed cloche allows for maximum oven-rise while keeping the dough moist long enough to stretch fully before setting. Then the lid is removed to crisp and finish the loaf. The oven had cooled to below 200. Turning it back to 500 meant a slow rise while the temperature came back. I was surprised thirty-five minutes later when I removed the lid for the finishing burn and saw the loaf did rise just fine. I expected it to be flattened. This taught me there appears to be a broad margin for error when using a ceramic cloche.
A pauper's salad. VVV Where the pauper is nobility.
Did you know in the days of yore, about the time Marco Polo was banging around, pepper was so dear it was kept locked? It was.
Heirloom tomatoes, green beans
You really must have fat in hamburgers or the patties fry up to tasteless chunks of something synthetic. If you buy that low fat stuff , or whatever over 85% that is presently so popular, you can add olive oil before forming patties. I suggest adding water as well.
That's right, water.
Green beans steamed for as long as it took me to mess with that other stuff -- slicing the tomato, shaving the Parmigiano, digging out the olives, scooping condiments.
Labels: green beans, Heirloom tomatoes
Tuna cranberry salad
Folded eggs, twisted bacon
Eggs gently folded and built up, removed from heat before completely setting. Anointed with scallion, capers, flecked Parmigiano and tarragon, an herb which I'm beginning to like.
Labels: folded eggs, twisted bacon
Scrambled eggs with red beans
Labels: red beans, scrambled eggs
Broccoli and vegs. in chicken broth w/white wine
This is the elaborated version. Not shown, the pre-roasted and frozen chicken bits and the hand-made chicken broth in jelled form. (The rest of the chicken broth is stored in frozen ice cube form)
This is one of the ceramic bowls that Dale in S.F. made.
Labels: broccoli, chicken broth, vegs., white wine
Catfish in miso
I really wanted pad Thai because I just now saw a Bobby Flay pad Thai throw-down and that put me in the mood but I don't have any rice noodles and I don't have any more tamarind paste, nor any shrimp so there goes that. But I can approximate the idea using ingredients that I do have, so there I go.
I do have miso in quantity and tofu, two extraordinary Asian contributions to world cuisine. I also have mirin (sweet rice wine) and fish sauce (fermented anchovy in water) so I'm set. I also happen to have napa cabbage which can substitute good vegetable carbs for bad noodles carbs, and chunky peanut butter that can substitute for peanuts in pad Thai.
I added onion, garlic, and broccoli.
These ingredients were built up in a pot starting with frozen catfish. I got that going then added all the rest of the ingredients with broccoli next. If you were to watch me do this, you'd think I'm insane, but there is method to the madness. It's like a liquid stir-fry. You begin with the ingredients that take the longest, catfish in this case because it's frozen. Ordinarily it would be last because fish is most tender. The frozen fish will be cooked at the same time the dense broccoli will be cooked so I do not add all the water at once. I fry these ingredients in scant oil to get them started, then add a small amount of water to stop the frying and start the steaming which hastens the process. Everything else goes into the pot in rapid succession. It doesn't look like soup until the miso is added and the color changes. The peanut butter, an odd ingredient, adds another dimension usually missing in miso soup but it is nearly identical to the way miso mixes. The soup is delicious, but it lacked peppery heat and acidity, so I added Sriracha, which has both, at the table.
Labels: catfish, miso, peanut butter
Salmon, imitation crab, fusilli
Labels: fusilli, imitation crab, salmon
Asian green beans
* Toast pecans (or almonds, whatever) in the same pan. Remove to another separate plate.
* Flavor oil with ginger and garlic in the same pan.
* Add cut beans and sufficient water to steam until tender.
* Add cut mushrooms and finally add cut bell pepper craisins and pecans.
Take care here not to cook the life out these tender vegetables. Try to aim to remove from the heat early. Things continue to cook a little bit off the heat.
* Spritz with juice of fresh lime and plate.
* Top with toasted sesame seeds
See? You have flavored oil and lime juice combined at different times -- BANG! -- a rather strong salad dressing right there. Green beans need all the help they can get. Here, with the sweet bell pepper, sweet/tart craisins, citric lime, the extraordinary combined umami of ginger and garlic you've got all the gustation your excited flavor sensors can handle in one meal. If you must kick it up a notch, and you would be insane if you had to, NTTAWWT, then I'd toss in a few chile pepper flakes. For me, this side dish is a meal, and if it's OK to say so myself it's absolutely delicious, and you can eat as much of it as your glutenous little heart desires all day long and still be within The Zone™, and South Beach™ phase 1, and Weight Watchers™ proscribed diets.
Labels: Asian green beans
Asparagus and two fried eggs
Why do Americans always fry two eggs? Because to Americans one egg is not un œuf. Ha ha ha. See what I did there? I never tire of that joke. In The Zone™ and South Beach™ phase 1 approved.
With minced onion and jalapeño. Please notice too the amazing miraculous floating parsley leaf.
Jalapeño poppers
Sealed tightly with water with cornstarch glue. It's important to seal while rolling so that no cheese escapes. Otherwise you get a huge mess in the oil.
Oil at 350℉.
These cook within a few minutes. Serve immediately, the crispy goodness is fleeting.
Labels: jalapeño poppers
Chicken livers
This is the remnant Bell & Evans chicken liver remaining from ramaki. I wanted to get it out of the refrigerator, and I couldn't just waste it, and I have no pet cat nor a dog, so I ate it. I suppose I could have dressed it up in bacon or used it to adorn some rice with a savory cheese sauce, but I'm lazy so I dusted it with flour and pan fried it in butter as minimally as possible.
Labels: chicken livers
Fruit, Jello
Jello seems like such a great idea. And so does Jello fruit cups, so what gives? How can its aspicy sugary goodness be denied?
The other day I was eating a bowl of mixed fruit and thinking, "This would be a lot better if it were just held together with Jello." But not canned fruit and not thoroughly encased in shimmering Jello like they do in school cafeterias and in hospitals. How 'bout if solid Jello was used as a base with a second layer holding the edges of fruit that is then covered with more fruit unconnected to the Jello. Doesn't that sound great? Solid Jello. That right there is funny.
I am hopeless, and probably untrainable because I like this.
Labels: Jello, mixed fresh fruit
Fake crab salad
Paneer salad
* cucumber
* tomato
* taragon
* a few Romaine leaves
* Dijon style mustard
* Raspberry jam
* Raspberry vinegar
* Vegetable oil (scant amount, much less than ordinarily)
Paneer is a fresh cheese that is set with acid, lime, lemon, or vinegar, and not made with rennet so it's suitable for your vegetarian friends. It's foolproof, and easy to make, and making it at home produces a creamier version than what you would buy commercially. It's a fresh non-aged unadorned white cheese similar to queso blanco except commercially it has no salt added. It's also the sort of cheese that doesn't melt, that's why it's usually pan-fried before including into another dish, much like tofu, or roasted on a stick as with paneer tikka, a sort of shish kabob kind of thing with bell pepper and curry. Here, I completely alter the cheese by adding salt and thyme just as the curds are drained to set.
I brought a half gallon of milk to a full boil then added the juice of one juicy lime, it totaled six measured teaspoons. It was supposed to only take four teaspoons but the milk wasn't curdling to my satisfaction so I added more until I could see the curds separate from the whey. (Oddly, this doesn't make the cheese taste limey) Then I cut off the heat and let it sit for five minutes, drained into a cheesecloth lined strainer and added salt, crushed pepper, and thyme. Then I pressed to drain and compress using the weight of a heavy stone mortar and took a nap. Opened it up a few hours later.
Fried eggs
Oh, my God!
I freak out every time this happens.
Speaking of regret over being a baby chicken killer; by cracking open four eggs to whip out a batch of cupcakes, like yesterday, I'm admitting to myself of being a serial chicken-abortionist, and that makes me a little bit sad too. This happens every time I crack open an egg and especially happens whenever I crack open a number of eggs at once, and that transport to childhood happens automatically every time I open up a double-yolk egg. "They'd be twins!" My inner child yells inside from a long-distant past that is still quite present. Then the taint of remembered boyish sadness descends. Then I lift the emotional pall, deftly by practice, and turn to heat up some home-made green chili in the same pan the chicken pre-fetuses were fried, because what would a plate of aborted sadly unfertilized unusually doubled Gallus gallus domesticus ova be without green chili when it's already right there on hand in its little plastic container? Nothing, that's what. I have tortillas too, but they're frozen, and frankly, on chicken-miracle day I can not be bothered with thawing.
See how our big fat scientific selves obfuscate with language to assuage and to put a distance between the reality of what we're doing and the experiences of our precious littler emotional selves?
Labels: fried eggs
Blog Archive
- Burger with Dijon wadjet
- Melon and grapes
- Shrimp and grits
- Sourdough, NorthWest
- Heirloom tomatoes, green beans
- Tuna cranberry salad
- Peaches and blueberries
- Curried popped corn
- Folded eggs, twisted bacon
- Scrambled eggs with red beans
- Broccoli and vegs. in chicken broth w/white wine
- Catfish in miso
- Salmon, imitation crab, fusilli
- Asian green beans
- Asparagus and two fried eggs
- Jalapeño poppers
- Chicken livers
- Fruit, Jello
- Fake crab salad
- Paneer salad
- Fried eggs
- Cupcakes