sourdough loaf, powerful Denver starter

Honestly, this is the most remarkable starter I've ever worked with. Rejuvenated rapidly from dried frozen state, nothing is lost in flavor, in speed nor in power. 

I'm certain that's because I took so long to collect it originally and incorporated rain into it several times, left it out in the wind, refreshed it with water continuously for two weeks. 

Shown above is the excess from a similar bowl of proofed dough fermented for 3 days mixed with additional water and flour. One small portion is four days old and the larger portion is 3 hours old. This dough inflated fast as commercial yeast and that is just flat outrageous. Nothing I've used is this fast. In a few hours it will reach the top of the bowl and be put into the refrigerator to ferment for 3 days, just like the chunk that started it. I could not be more impressed. 

The bean dip is actually South River miso. If the miso were left on for a few hours it would begin to eat the bread. It's a live culture.

Philadelphia cream cheese. I ended up spreading peanut butter on top of this. 

These three slices of bread amounted to dinner. They're very filling pieces of bread.

Maybe I'll go back to it and whip up some scrambled egg with cheese. Who knows? I'll nibble away at it like a rat until it is gone. Or until the next dough is ready in three days. Nothing can stop it. It's already survived the worst nature can do to it. This is concentration of nature's harshest survivors. Not just the happy fly-by-night lucky serendipitous partygoers. 

So, presently I have 4 sourdoughs hanging around. The original commercial loaf that I bought that was such a tremendous and expensive disappointment, the baguette type that I baked in retaliation to the craptastic commercial loaf, this new loaf, and the proofing sponge shown here that goes into the refrigerator to ferment. Once you get started with sourdough culture it tends to take over. 

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