Scrambled eggs, lamb

Scrambled eggs prepared as a thick sauce. Method described here. This time the scrambled eggs are finished with sour cream, 1/3 oz or so of grated Sottocencerre truffle cheese,  and a squirt of fresh lime juice with cilantro sprinkled throughout. 

Last of the lamb burgers previously fashioned from a lamb roast cut into chunks and processed to ground meat using a household grinder and incorporating pork and seasonings, the processing described here

Potatoes are parboiled then fried in oil to crisp.

Plain yellow apple chopped in irregular chunks to top the lamb.

Ordinary pan gravy, probably 3/4 tablespoon oil remaining from potatoes and lamb burger, 1 shallow tablespoon all purpose flour, heated to a dark roux, pan deglazed with commercial chicken broth. There was considerable fond in the pan which turned the velouté sauce dark brown. Seasoned simply with salt and pepper.  The gravy took about 1 minute. 

Behold, the rotate-y plate-y of scrambled eggs and lamb turning for eternity. 

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