Sliced chicken breast, poblano, crema

Prep, Poblano peppers roasted peeled and seeded, vinaigrette with mustard and raspberry preserves, simple salad. 

The original seen at Zócalo's Denver did not have cheese and I thought, "You know what would improve this? Cheese, that's what." So I added cheese to my version and that turned out to be the worst thing about it.  

Mexican crema is thinner than sour cream and crème fraîche. 

Apparently it's also flexibly made. It can be done overnight by inoculating cream with buttermilk, yogurt, or sour cream. That's what the internet says when you ask [what is mexican crema?] And it browns under the broiler.

Zócalo's serves this with black beans and rice colored red with annatto, and with peek-o day guy yo. I meant to say pico de gallo. So three colorful piles on the plate with this chicken and crema. It is picante hot and the cream is warmed by the broiler but cooling to the spices so a contrast right there. And at the restaurant you have chips and dip too. So all that considered I'd say it is quite a deal over there. 

Also, get this, if you have a haircut at Floyd's next door -- does that sound like Andy of Mayberry or what? -- and save your ticket and show them at Zócalo's they will give you 15% off your meal, and vicey-vircey as well. Which you can then apply to your tip so your waiter will think, "Wow, man, that guy is cool. When I break out of this waiter routine I want to be like him." Also, if you are alone then tip as if you are two because it's the same running back and forth for the waiter so you are more expensive from his point of view, and then your waiter will think, "Wow, man, that guy must be like James Bond or something." 

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