Nutrimill, red winter wheat

Three five-pound bags of red winter wheat berries purchased from the bulk bins at whole foods. Cost: $1.70 per LB X 15 = $25.50.

I used a $100.00 gift card given to me by an unloved alcoholic for making a completely ace dinner in recognition of his birthday. And that goes to show you ... something, I have no idea what. I was not looking for anything in return nor expecting anything.

But first, this lunch that a lady brought over today. I'm glad she did too because I was starving. This is another example of give and take. I make things for the ladies around here all the time, mostly to get rid of it. I cannot consume every little thing that I make so I give it away with no expectation of recompense whatsoever, but here it is, so there ya go.

Shredded pork with posole. (What is wrong with this computer that it does not recognize posole, doesn't it see the word on the internet?) 

It is the sort of thing I would have loaded with jalapeƱo or something else hot, but delicious without it, and I mean delicious. And that too goes to show you ... um ... not everybody likes hot things, not even American Indian people and sometimes not even Mexican people. Liking hot things is not universal.

I thought it was.

An entire 5-LB sack loaded into the top, the machine with its little bridge added to contain it all. I figure the capacity of the top will equal the capacity of the receiving bowl and it turns that is right.

Nearly done. Static electricity keeps a few seeds dancing around on the curved projection that directs seeds into two inlets.

The top emptied of seeds. It took awhile. Red winter wheat berries are harder than white spring wheat berries. White wheat mills much faster than red. Much faster. That tells me it is probably easier for yeast to digest as well. 

Top of the receiving bowl full of milled wheat. The lid fits exceedingly tight. If it didn't, and if the bowl is not shoved all the way into the machine, then you end up with wheat dust all over the whole room. 

Guess how I know.

Guess, I said!

Whole wheat grains, berries, contain oil. The oil quickly goes rancid. Wheat simply does not get any fresher than this. Its flavor in bread is quite extraordinary, even when it is not sourdough. But when it is sourdough, or fermented or aged just a bit, even overnight, a marked improvement becomes evident. I realized a good part of what is making 100% whole wheat sourdough so incredible, so magnificent, dense as it is, and heavy too, is the innate flavor of the entire wheat grain and not just the sourdough culture. 

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