Basil pasta and salmon salad

The basil is not an accent, it is extremely breathy almost like Vick's VapoRub®, very much like mint in excess but not so breathy as cilantro would be used in this volume. It is a key element in one's superpower of minty-fresh breath. The whole time I was eating this I was thinking, "Man, this is incredible. I wonder why I never see this. Why isn't it popular?"

If this were Chopped then I would win. 

But then Scott Conant will say tactfully, "This is a very good salad. I enjoyed it a lot except for the part about way too much basil. My Nonna was an excellent cook who used basil throughout and she always said be careful not to use too much basil or else it tends to overpower and you certainly do not want that." 

Then I'll say, "Do I look like your Nonna, Scott? I'm doing something different over here."

I'm scrounging, that's what I'm doing. 

Grapes would be better but I do not have grapes. These raisins are excellent. They add sweetness and chewiness 

Basil from the Aerogarden. I also have basil growing in potting mix. It was started months ago in preparation for Spring but it is way ahead of schedule in its little plant nursery cups. 

There is a lot left over but not with basil. All that basil went to this one little saucer. 

I can continue to add things to the remainder as I go along changing each plate as I prepare it. One plate with avocado, another with corn, yet another with broccoli or beans for example. 

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