
Shhh. The dough is resting.

Look! One is skinner than the rest and right next to one fatter than the rest. Man, I sure hope this insouciant distain for uniformity doesn't ruin everything.

Straight cream would make a decent sauce. 

This has 
* butter
* nutmeg
* chile flakes
* salt/pepper
* mustard powder
* grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. 

My dad used to say "This Parmesan cheese smells like toenails!" 

That never failed to crack us up. Because it did smell like toenails. Maybe. We didn't know. It just seemed hilarious. And we had that Kraft Parmesan in the green cylinder container on hand always but none of us knew what a poor imitation it is and what the real stuff is intended to taste like. We had no idea what the real stuff does. 

And there was no way a young family could justify the difference in cost without appreciating what the real cheese is and what it does. 

Too bad. And that lasted my parent's lives. So much is forfeited by not knowing. Except for the humor of hearing your dad say that then gleefully sprinkle some over his spaghetti.  

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