French fries with cheese sauce


hot red chile powder

microwaved 40 seconds

fried 2 stage method
stage 1.) fried  250℉ until bubbles slow
stage 2) fried 350℉ until darkened and crisp and bubbles nearly stop

I wonder why cheese sauce or delicious green chile isn't more desirable than catsup.

A long time ago, a friend who's a grown man said, "French fries are just a vehicle to deliver catsup."

And I'm all, "W-h-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-t?" 

Catsup is a cop out. Some-one ended up with a ton of tomatoes and wondered what he could do with them before they all rot so he thought and thought and finally decided to boil them all down, sift out the bits of skin and seeds and process the mass to puree. Then he goes, you know this isn't so bad. We can jazz it up with some contrasting sugar and vinegar and turn it into tomato sweet/sour sauce. 

Then he goes, "Let's put some ginger and garlic in it."

But he couldn't get a loan for that. His backers said it was too complicated.

Then he goes, "Let's put chile in it to make it more interesting.

And his backers go, "Too uncertain. Too unreliable. If customers want that they can put it in themselves. We should make it appeal to the broadest number of people." 

So the guy goes, "Okay fine. But it could be a lot better." 

Then he goes, "Let's call it Tomato Sweet & Sour Sauce." 

"No wait. Let's call it Catch Up." 

"No wait. Cat's Up." 

"No, wait, wait, wait. Ketch-sup!" 

"No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I got this. I got this. Wait. Catsup." 

And everyone in the room goes, "Alright. Alright, already. Jesus, Heinz, just call it whatever you want. Just don't add anything to make it more interesting. Quit talking about curry and tamarind or any other kind of aromatic seed." 

And that's how they profited from the sudden tomato glut that occurs every year. Meanwhile in Spain they get rid of their sudden annual surplus by having a huge tomato flight involving the whole town. Americans are appalled at the waste. Tomatoes are an American thing, and the Spaniards are very disrespectful of origin. Although it's a lot of fun and they blow off a lot of pent up steam, they have no idea how offensive this is to fundamentally conservative people. Plus it invites flies and vermin.  

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