Sweet potato pie with pineapple, raisins, pecans, chocolate whipped cream topping

Butter and brown sugar.

Cream cheese added.

Sweet potato added.

Heavy cream added to thin out mixture. The egg is expected to solidify the mixture along with the cream cheese cooling within it. 

A woman who I do not know has two pineapples in her cart. They are on sale for one dollar each, an extraordinarily low price. I said directly to her pointing to her pineapples,

"I noticed those when I came in."

She said, "Yes. On sale. That's great. That is why I'm getting them."  I said,

"Good I'll take a dozen," and she roared laughing right there, the idea of twelve pineapples piled in my trolly just because they're on sale is ridiculous. 

But is it? 

The idea is whipped cream topping but I made more than needed and the cocoa powder is right there so now it is chocolate whipped cream instead of vanilla. Impulse. 

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