Carrot cake

They say baking is like chemistry and I suppose it is but so what. They say you must follow recipes closely or suffer failure, and I ask, "Which one?" 

This was tossed together using a processor, so that changed things. Carrots first, blade changed, nothing sifted, after flour brief machine pulses only to combine, everything else except leaven powders. Those last. Very last. Because the batter begins to react immediately so you will want to pour it, tap for even distribution then insert into the oven without delay.

The batter is different because it has some kind of creamy acid in it, yogurt or sour cream and that changes the pH so baking soda is included to compensate, then baking powder too, so triple reaction doing very heavy lifting, one cup raisins, one cup pecans. 

Eating carrot cake leads to good eyesight. Here's proof: I can see all that over there, and all that over there, and you

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