Potato pancake with cheese and ham, orange and strawberries

One large Russet made four of these pancakes. Less than 1/2 slice of the spiral cut ham. One cup of cheese sauce made from roux of 1 tablespoon each butter and flour. Seasoned with very strong Robusto cheese and nutmeg. 

Two of these pancakes were dinner. That's one half a potato. Plus all of the other stuff.

The cheese is exclusive to Whole Foods. I asked the guy for it and he goes, "right there" and he pointed to a chopping block table with a pile of precut Robusto wedges. I looked at the price, exorbitant as their Parmigiano and I said, "That's right, get us all hooked by promoting it on sale then once we're all solidly on it jack up the price to regular price." The guy goes, "Heh." Then I go, "just like the neighborhood drug pushers." The guy goes, "Ha ha ha  ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, yeah."

But frankly, now that the novelty of its intense flavor has worn off I find it might not be the best cheese for this type of thing. It's good. But it conflicts with the salty ham.  

1 comment:

Rob said...

Yeah, but that Whole Foods Parmagiano is some good stuff. I get my money's worth by picking a piece with the smallest possible rind. I'll outsmart you yet, Whole Foods!

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