Peru beans, avocado salad, cold rib-eye steak, chocolate chip cookies

Three different things happen at once. Can you handle it? Can you handle it? 

I never saw Peru beans before. One cup swelled overnight to one pint and began to foam.

I bet these things will germinate within just a few days.

I saw them at the grocery in bulk bins for 5¢ per metric ton. Or possibly $1.50 pound, I forget. 

On the other hand, the bacon is incredibly expensive. Nobody pays this much for bacon, it's not even reasonable, so cost-wise the combination of the two ingredients is strange.

The camera worked overtime tonight. Between this and that the camera and phone took shots of the sunset interspersed at forty seconds. It's only 78 frames, and for some reason stopped and had to be restarted.

Ding. Cookies done.

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