Milled corn and eggs

I had a substantial amount of popcorn purchased at the grocery store. I noticed some of the kernels were changing color to black. The whole lot looked exceedingly shrunken, wrinkled, and desiccated. So I sorted out the darkened kernels and those that appeared to be turning, and milled it. The odor coming up from the mill was quite pleasant. I heated spices in butter; unspecified curry, garlic powder, cumin, cinnamon, cayenne, sea salt, black peppercorn, I did go a little bit overboard there, then added chicken stock and water, then enough milled corn in increments while stirring to thicken. Shredded Parmigiano to finish. It is wonderful wonderful wonderful (three wonderfuls). Why something like this isn't on the menus across the land is beyond me.

My nephew and I were talking about a dinner he attended here at my house. Somewhere within the discussion I mentioned something like this using the descriptor "grits" instead of polenta or milled popcorn. He goes, "I ate grits? No way, because I don't eat grits." Ha ha ha ha. See? People make up their minds about things, and following that they are utterly impenetrable. Apparently he had grits one way, formed a scarcely informed opinion, and dismissed the whole world of milled corn.

Compared to packaged corn meal, the milled corn kernels are richer in flavor, and nutrients but tend to stale quickly due to the oils and other substances in the germ. For that reason at home the cornmeal is refrigerated, frozen, actually. In the past, grits were made of hominy processed in alkali but that is now rare. Hominy being usually white whole corn kernels cooked for about thirty minutes in a solution of lime or lye then washed of their hulls and excess alkaline solution.

Here, I used the mill because my coffee grinder is worn out. My sister pushed it to the limit one night under my direction. I failed to tell her not to overload it. Now the blade slips. Don't worry. It's under repair right now setting up with liquid nails. I'll see if that works, and if it doesn't work I'll just get another one. They're cheap as hell on Amazon.

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