Ham and eggs, English muffin, kale in cream sauce

The kale, obdurate, excessively chewy, bitterly chlorophyl-concentrated,  unyielding, recalcitrant, fibrous noxious weed-like, an altogether unpleasant plant best used for curly decoration around the edges of serving trays, for consumption then is best handled beaten to submission.

The kale whisperer knows these tough large-leaf vegetable plants, kale, mustard plant, collard all cannot take the pressure.

Fifteen LBS pressure for one minute, just one minute, and they break right down and fold to mush, completely submitted and now available for dolling up in the directions of fat + sweet + sour, that is, butter and sugar and lemon, plus the regular things, salt, pepper, chile flakes, and cream to spread it all around, and since cream then nutmeg, and then for extra fortified body and boost, Parmigiano, king of all the hard cheeses. Ta-daaaa. Beaten, submitted, dolled up, made interesting, provided fake breasts.

Citrus is a delicate flavor and will not endure prolonged heat.

Cheese is processed food  and breaks down, separates, under prolonged heat.

Due to their delicate conditions, lemon and Parmigiano are held off to the end of bringing the plate together and those two things added to the kale with its cream off the heat. At each step of cooking the kale is taste-tested and it gets better and better with each addition but you do not really know the final excellence of it until the very end up to the point of plating.


Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I could eat eggs over easy with home fries Greek dinner style.

Christy said...

Good info about the use of citrus and cheese. Thanks. Still, not gonna try kale. Nope. Not. How many times do you try a food before declaring it OFF the menu?

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