Potato cake, fried egg, ham, planted arbol chile seeds

The dirt must stay warm, summertime warm, all through the night and the seeds given ten days. Sometimes the seeds germinate faster than that, sometimes longer. Some seeds are on the surface the rest mixed to varying depths, all very shallow to 1/4 inch. 

Today is January 3rd so we will not start to become anxious until the 13th. The pot is set by a 100 W incandescent lamp, the entire clay pot is warm. Arbol plants are hardly worth the trouble. The plants are scraggly and not so attractive and the chile is not very hot at all. The flavor is good so they have that going for them. This whole sack of chile pods cost $1.50, I think, and the seeds alone through a catalog will be a few dollars for ten or so seeds.  

These pods have a faint roasted aroma and I am counting on the seeds not being damaged by heat. I think they'd say so on the label if they were roasted because it is some cost and some bother to roast them. 

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