two pizzas, mushrooms and sausage

The dough is started the day before with 1/4 teaspoon yeast and left on the counter overnight and through the next day.  This is 3/4 cup water and enough flour to form a wet dough. The flour is 80% all purpose and 20% hard yellow semolina.

Half the dough is refrigerated for the next day.

Half the mushrooms are sliced and oiled.

Now doesn't that look bee-ewe-tea-full?  ↑

Twelve minutes at 500℉, the excessive fresh mozzarella bubbled up and engulfed all the other ingredients and turned the whole surface white. And I don't like that.

The next day the second piece of reserved dough is prepared with the same ingredients except this time hard mass produced mozzarella is used instead of fresh mozzarella. 

Doesn't that look bee-ewe-tea-full? ↑

It is!

Parmesan and tarragon added. 

Advanced techniques were used for these two pizzas.

1) Aged dough. At least overnight. And that does produce a distinct fermentation odor when the bowl is opened.

2) Dough ball rolled in cornmeal to coat it top and bottom when flattened. Cornmeal also used as ball bearings on the cookie sheet substituted for a pizza peal.

3) Pizza stone and oven hot as it goes.  

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