Scrambled eggs with jalapeño and scallion, peas, spinach with yogurt

Scrambled eggs made in the fashion of an unfolded omelet instead of cooked as a failed sauce. On low heat the cooked edges are drawn into the center and piled up, repeated until just a thin layer of uncooked egg remains. Topped with yogurt to stop the cooking. 

Peas gently heated, not actually cooked, in the same pan. Oiled and seasoned with s/p.

Spinach barely wilted in the same pan with olive oil and rice vinegar. Mixed with yogurt after the leaves have wilted. 

I am sick and tired of buying these jalapeños with no heat. The Pacific Market and Trader Joe's both did this. And it makes me MAD!

I don't know why mild jalapeños even exist. They have no reason for being. If they had a worthwhile distinctive flavor it'd be understandable, but they don't so it isn't. 

The juicer has changed the way I see things. My refrigerator is filled with vegetables and fruit. And I mean filled. My friends laugh and call it a 3-dimensional puzzle. Things have to be moved around to get at anything specific. It's packed tight. And before I had the juicer, all those things would perish in the crisper grow mold and die of old age before I got around to them. And now I grow uneasy when I run out of cucumbers or celery.

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