Maki sushi, rolled, cucumber, miso, shrimp

The original idea was simple cucumber rolled up into rice and wrapped with nori. Then I thought, "Hey! Why not add miso?" And then I thought, "Hey! Why not add shrimp?"

And then I thought, "Hey! Why not just steam the rice with sugar and vinegar instead of making a sauce with those two things and spreading it all over the outside of steamed rice?"

And then I thought, "Hey! Why not use apple cider vinegar instead of rice vinegar? It's sweet and more fruity."

And then I thought, "Hey! Why not just put the powdered wasabi onto the rice spread out onto the nori sheet instead of making it into a paste?"

And then I thought, "Hey! Stop thinking already, it's dangerous."

Water in the bowl is brought to a boil in the microwave. Then the shrimp bits are added and left a few minutes to denature. That's it. No actual boiling of the shrimp.


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