Pita with cheese, serrano, onion, capers

I almost didn't bother with this, making it or showing it. I am simply not hungry lately and the whole thing is a bit forced. Having said that, I tore off half of one of the pitas that were made yesterday and dressed it up half-heartedly and it turned out to be 10x more delicious than I had imagined possible. 

I used a slice of individually wrapped American cheese. I bought it just to be masochist. I heard Bobby Flay say about making hamburgers, "It has to be American cheese." This struck me as exceedingly odd, and yet here it was from the author of a book on hamburgers, and an Iron Chef besides. I think that American cheese is the kind of thing that is not all that outstanding on its own but combines well with other things. Plus there is good American cheese and indifferent American cheese. This is indifferent American cheese. That it is so delicious in combination here astounds me. The trick was to let the cheese go a little bit toasty as well as the pita. It's sort of like a Mexican pizza. 

Tinned serrano chiles were opened previously and stored cold. 

Horrible, isn't it?

Oh the depths we sink. I'm starting to feel mad at myself for being so pathetic. I put it in the oven thinking that I didn't have to eat it if I didn't want to. Then it turned out I wished I had cooked the whole pita and not just half of it. The amount was determined by the prepackaged individually wrapped slice of cheese, which is just flat weird in my opinion but kind of fun. 

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