Tossed salad, Alfredo sauce, homemade pita

I wanted iceberg lettuce, that's all, but I didn't want blue cheese dressing nor the customary bits. 

I do not know why I decided on a warm Alfredo type sauce instead of a cold dressing, but that's what happened. At this point I'm seeing an iceberg wedge sitting in an Alfredo pool. 

I cleared the refrigerator tonight with something of a ruthless edge. I didn't feel like dealing with containers so they were tossed too. Items that stayed included jalapeño and sweet red peppers and an avocado, and now the iceberg wedge is looking a little more interesting. And pita. 

Whole jalapeño chile pepper one minute then stripped, disemboweled, and the capsaicin producing seed-bearing placenta relieved of all its seeds the next minute.

An Alfredo wannabe sauce is created. Alfredo is cream and Parmigiano Reggiano with parsley. I do not have cream so I use milk and butter instead and thicken it slightly with scant flour. A thin roux is produced of the flour and butter to compensate for the thinness of milk. Roux can also be darkened for layered flavor and cream cannot. 

A days-old pita bread is revitalized in a small toaster oven and then covered with a layer of Alfredo sauce and returned to toaster oven to brown. 

Looks good enough to me just like this, but the salad is already prepared. 

Green jalapeño is an unripe fruit. If the chile were left on the plant it would eventually turn red. It would also sweeten somewhat and lose some of its heat. Because the jalapeño is unripe it has the same gustatory effect that other unripe fruit has. It is best eaten not completely raw. Onion too. The jalapeño, onion, and mushroom slices are heated briefly just enough to alter their rawness, less than a minute. The slightly cooked vegetables are combined with raw avocado and chopped iceberg lettuce. Finally, the iceberg lettuce which started the whole thing but now no longer in wedge form. 

So basically a vegetable pita bread pizza, and it is delicious beyond understanding. The combination of hot / warm / cold is agreeable. This vegetable pita pizza is so refreshing that when I finished it felt like I had just brushed my teeth. I stopped half way and pushed away the plate satisfied I was finished. Then came back to it.  Twice.  Even though by then it was cold, until not a trace remained. 

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