Broiled salmon, asparagus, cannellini beans

"Sir, may I get you anything?"


The smoked ham hock for the cannellini beans purchased from a nearby specialty store was terribly expensive, more than twice the usual cost. Put me off. At one time it was considered a salvaged piece of junk meat and sold quite cheaply. It is still inexpensive at most places but no longer the great deal that it was.

I had pre-soaked a small jar of cannellini beans, the whole hock is too large for that so I asked the butcher if he could saw it in half and he did. Still bought the whole thing, but in separate pieces.

The smoked ham hock is simply extraordinary and well worth the cost, loaded, and I mean loaded with discrete pieces of meat and two marrow-filled bones. The cooking liquid congealed when cooled. There is enough meat in the half shank to flavor an entire pot of beans and fill it with pieces of meat. 

I wish I had asked the fellow to saw it in thirds or in fourths because I only make small batches of beans. 

This is definitely a win. I'm going to go back and do the same thing again. It gives me confidence in their other smoked products. And it is good to know the butchers are so cooperative and eager to please. 

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