Rib-eye steak bone in, baked potato

Colorado beef, prime, dry aged. 

Para bailar la papa
Se necisita manos del hombre
Dos grandes manos del hombre
Par mi, para ti, ay arriba arriba
Ay arriba por ti seré, por ti seré, por ti seré

Papa papa 

Papa papa

You will need two man-hands to bailar la papa. It is hot. The papa is sliced right through from end to end the long way. Ruthlessly without remorse nor trace of compunction, for the end has come ha llegado el fin de la papa, make it clean. With man-hands crush the potato the long way so completely it pushes out the short end so that the length of the potato is now the width of the potato and the original width pushed out to the new expanded length, as if to switch places. That is how completely la papa is crushed. Cerca de completamente aplastado. While retaining chunks.

If you are blessed or cursed with lady-hands then wear these Hulk mitts to compensate for your man-hand shortcomings y continuar bailando la papa como si cualquiera te gusta and continue however you like. 

Remove Hulk mitts, they're useless unless you have further crushing or pounding.

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