White bread

Somewhat wet dough baked in a clay cloche designed for roasting chicken. Half bread flour half all purpose flour.

100% hydration, that is equal amount of water to flour by weight. That is, 1.5 cups water to 3 cups flour. 

Yeast and salt, obviously.

This is extremely easy bread to make. Due to the amount of bread flour, the gluten molecules form quite readily. Kneading is minimal. The dough is brought together in the bowl, turned out onto a work surface and kneaded very briefly. You can feel it become softer and softer with each press and turn. 

Instructions always say when kneading by hand, go for about then minutes. But even with 100% all purpose flour I never go that long. My manner of kneading is quite rough. I really stress the dough as I smash and shove it across the work surface nearly tearing it apart with each push. I manhandle the dough, stretching it out into a pizza shape then rolling it into a log then stretching the log into a snake then folding the snake in half and stretching that, then rolling the snake into a ball and stretching that  into a pizza shape again, and so on. I can feel the gluten forming with each turn. It seems the dough forms connections as self defense against my abuse.

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