Maui sourdough bread

These are remnants of sourdough cultures refrigerated as sort of dense flour putty at the height of their activity. The small tin is frozen. I fear they might be dead. Reviving the Maui culture proceeded achingly slowly. More slowly than if I had used plain flour.

These samples are all very old. If they are dead, eh, they can be recollected again easily enough. 

After some frustration I looked at the sourdough cultures that were dried at the height of their activity. The Maui sample was included with the putty version after a few days to give it a boost. Even then it still took a few days to get going again. Most frustrating. 

Samples that you would buy, say, from Sourdough International proceed much more quickly than this. Their samples are freeze dried. They reactivate within twenty-four hours. Instructions suggest contriving a proofing box to keep the temperature at around 90℉, I think, but that is not necessary. A simple incandescent lightbulb will do without the box. I've done this many times and that is my experience. The owner of the company wants to make sure your sample is a success so he suggests that extra effort.

I think the Australian will be the closest to this Maui. I don't know. I understand their Australian culture is a very good culture. Very easy to start. 

My easiest culture is Antioch. My brother collected it carelessly years ago just to get me off his back. His heart was not in it, but he did it anyway and it turns out to be my best.

This Maui culture was collected at three different times in three places on Maui. One over night, one over a few hours on a windy day and a third in about one hour. Maui is an exceedingly yeasty place. Much more so than Denver. 

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