Cheeseburger, handmade hamburger buns using wet dough and closed cloche technique

Water, yeast, sugar.

Flour, salt, thyme.

Proofed for one hour.

Hands are oiled. An edge is pulled out and stretched then placed on top, Edge by edge, pinwheel style. If a corner sticks out it is pulled outward and stretched then placed on top  as if playing patty-cake.

The two cloches are intended to roast chicken. They have ridges on the bottom portion to elevate the chicken, therefore the tops are used as bottoms to avoid ridges baking into the dough. The cloches are well heated with the oven as high as it will go. It is a bit dangerous. Wet dough onto extremely hot clay. They perform as small ovens within an oven.

The more wet the dough the better the bread rises. The bread turns crispy light crust because moisture is trapped inside the cloche as if the whole oven had been sprayed. 

This is like having a hamburger on a French baguette right out of the oven, and that never happens. Even from a boulangerie with fresh bread twice a day the baguettes are sitting around for a few hours before you get to it, plus you have to get them home, but not these hamburger buns. No Siree, these hamburger buns are made to order and they are singularly extraordinary. Never is so much attention given to bread for hamburgers. There is no bread laying around to get old. There will be no old bread put to use somehow. There is no waste. 


Rob said...

Do you soak the cloches in water, as you would if you were using them to cook chicken?

Chip Ahoy said...

No, dry.

You soak them in water for chicken? I did not know that. I never did use them for chicken.

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