oatmeal with apple, brioche

I need sandwich bread because I have a lot of honey baked ham to make sandwiches. And I need oatmeal in my stomach right now.

The bread is started first. You should see this. Apparently careless. I make bread without moving from the same spot. I reach to refrigerator for egg, reach down for flour, reach to the right for water from the kitchen sink, reach behind for salt in the cabinet, reach to the freezer for yeast, reach over to the counter for a bowl, reach for the drawer for dinner knife to stir. All without moving from the same spot. It seems like I'm not measuring but I am. I'm scooping by the cup and counting, I'm aware of the additional fat eggs butter and salt. All of that is accounted if not mathematically numerically measured with accounting precision because recipes are not that way.

The eggs in recipes are not stated by weight and the flour is always fungible. They always say extra for this and extra for that. It's feel that is acquired that counts and everyone acquires that right off.

Know what those tiny little itty-bitty bubbles are? Yeast farts, that's what.

That's the bread started. Ingredients tossed into a bowl right in front of me. I take this slowly because I'm also taking pictures. The wet flour undergoes autolysis as I continue adding flour. Once all the flour is wet for awhile then everything changes and molecular links form much more easily. 

So there's that. 


How much clove did you put in that, Dear? 

Eighteen molecules.

C'mon, how many granules? 

How do I know, what do I look like, a bullet manufacturer? One millionth of a teaspoon, that's how much. 

Whatever your scoop, three scoops water for one scoop dry oatmeal. Whatever your additions. My scoop is 1/4 cup and that's not very much but a lot more than you get in those instant breakfast envelopes. And it's over one cup altogether and that's a lot when it comes to oatmeal.

I'm putting cream in everything. Something might be going wrong, instead of putting on pounds I started growing whiskers straight out of my face.

Meow meow hot meow meow cold meow contrast meow. 

Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow . 

Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow .

So now meow bread meow meow tomorrow meow ham. 

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