Snack: spinach with pecans

Honestly, this cooks in less than one minute. 


The spinach is purchased for juicing. Chosen because it's lighter than most other green vegetables. More approachable than kale. 

But raw spinach contains oxalic acid that binds with calcium making it unavailable for absorption. It also binds to quite a few other essential nutrients. 

Oxalic acid is broken down by heating.

So what? Raw spinach also contains other essential nutrients that are more available when consumed raw and even more available in concentrated form when juiced.

Juicing a pile of spinach produces a small amount of extremely dark green liquid. So that's the best way of availing what spinach contains. 

But I like it cooked better than the intense juice.  

What the heck, there's no problem in having both. This is a snack, get off my back. 

Know what I noticed since buying this juicer? 

My shopping cart is loaded with great things to eat, and my grocery bags are all heavy with the water that's in vegetables and fruit, loaded with things that don't have a nutrition label put on them.

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