Catfish and napa cabbage


I wish the whole world could eat this.

I usually make it with shrimp but any seafood will do. So will any other vegetable. 

My brother called today and I told him about this. He has all seven magical ingredients listed on the front page of this blog. 

I had to convey each ingredient is rather gross on its own. We both dislike sake, fish sauce is fermented anchovy similar to ancient Roman garum but not nearly that gross, sesame seed oil is intolerable on it own, mirin, soy sauce, sugar, rice vinegar, but then together they push out the profile and they blend with vegetable water beautifully. The heat from scant minimal cooking damages the delicate cabbage cells that are filled with water and the cabbage releases its water as it cools in the serving bowl and blends with the seven magical ingredients to produce the most amazing broth in the world. I mean it. No exaggeration. The liquid at finish is incredible. About a cup. And you go, "Oh man, this right here is ambrosia." This is the food meant for gods. 

Not really.

It's the most incredible food meant for humans. 

It's what being human is all about. 

And when your body dies and your spirit moves on then no more napa cabbage for you! 

And no more seven magical Asian ingredients. 

This here is for earth. 

And for earth alone.

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