Roasted seasoned chicken thighs with homemade applesauce

My preference is to have chicken overcooked. 

Now I know what too much overcooked means. 

The thighs are baked skin side down on low 325℉ for an hour. The timer went off but I went longer by about 10 minutes. They produced a cup of liquid, half of it fat. 

The thighs were turned and the heat increased and cooked for 30 more minutes with a lid. 

The skin did not become crisp because of the lid.  The meat fell from the bone while the long fibers strengthened to a pile of tough strings. The two large thighs eaten immediately were not bad at all while the two smaller ones that were chilled then reheated were similar to chicken jerky. 

All of this tells me to cook them less than an hour on low, then take off the lid for the second half at higher temperature. 

1 comment:

Bobo the Hobo said...

Brine your chicken for at least four hours before cooking; brining keeps the chicken juicy. Roast chicken skin side down and don’t cover with a lid. Average roasting time is 20 minutes per pound but thighs should only take I’d say 30 - 40 minutes. Check thighs with a meat thermometer (the instant-read kind). 165° F international temp is considered safe.

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