Egg and spinach breakfast

* The turkey was held over from the previous post on roasting turkey and chicken. Incidentally, I've been munching this frozen right out of the freezer as the impulse strikes me. As a snack, I figure it's probably pretty good. Beats cookies.
* The spinach was in the freezer so I used it. But it was there because I put it there so I must have sensed this was coming.
* I saw the little can of diced japaleños and thought, "why not?"
* Pecans, what I was going for when I noticed the jalapeños.
* Compound butter. When I run out of this I'm going to hasten to make another batch. I'll just buy some fresh herbs and devote a whole pound. I love this stuff so much, and it is kind of fun squishing it through your fingers. Invite the kids! Be sure to put plastic gloves on their filthy little mitts.
* Two unfertilized embryos of gallus domesticus giganticus, Jabba the Coop, Hagar of the henhouse, the poule pondeuse that made these oeufs had to be énorme.

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